Monday, August 10, 2009

Family Visits

The past two weekends we've had my side of the family over visiting us. Two weekends ago, my dad and step-mom came to visit and this past weekend my mom, stepdad, and two sisters came (we missed you Nathan!). Dad didn't stay long so I wasn't able to cook for him and his wife, but this weekend I was able to cook, with Bo's help, lunch, dinner and the next days breakfast. I'm not accustomed to cooking for more than two people so it took longer than I expected to make the meals, but I had a ton of fun. I really enjoy cooking!

I don't think we have too much planned for this week. I have some stuff I would like to accomplish, but other than that I think we'll have a pretty quiet week.

Currently, I'm making Kombucha Tea and I'm about to study. I should do a post soon on Kombucha Tea, as I can probably say with confidence that most of my readers have never heard of it, unless I've mentioned it around them. Maybe I'll do that soon.


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