Better Late Than Never...
I must apologize to our wonderful families. You all have asked how our trip to San Francisco went and I probably told you "good" and left it at that. Well, we have pictures! I'll try and do a quick photo montage. I don't know who still has dial-up so I'll make the pictures small. If you have issues viewing them, give me a ring and I'll try to help you. Otherwise, you'll see us soon and maybe we can show them then.
Without further ado...
Day 1 we got to SF and planned on seeing the Golden Gate Bridge. What we didn't plan on was being 4 miles away from it and it was Fleet Week (a huge display of planes and ships) so there were literally thousands of extra people hanging out. So we ended up renting bicycles and cycling up to and across the bridge.
Before the bridge, there was a little park full of tents and picnics. I thought it was funny so I took a picture.
Here I am on the bridge. We enjoyed cycling across, but there were quite a few snooty "real" cyclists who enjoyed giving tourists the evil eye. Cyclists take themselves way too seriously. I'm glad runners aren't like cyclists :)
The other side of the bridge was beautiful.
Here's Bo on the other side.
Sausalito is on the other side of the bridge. It's full of wonderful touristy shops and restaurants. We ate at a nice Italian restaurant for lunch. We didn't have much time to spend there before the ferry came to take us back (yes we cheated). After eating a bunch of pasta I was NOT about to bike back 4 miles!!
I have more pictures, but I think I'll try to upload those in a couple of days. Let me know if the pictures should be bigger...I uploaded them on the smallest setting.
**Edit: The pictures are pretty small. I might try making them bigger later.
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