Thursday, March 08, 2012

29 Weeks Today!

I can't believe we only have 11 weeks left! That is of course if she comes on time. I'll start with some pictures, since I haven't been very good at posting them regularly. Honestly these two that I'm posting were done last minute (hence the no make-up) and I didn't realize it at the time, but I'm wearing the same shirt in both! I only have two long-sleeved, maternity shirts so I guess that it was chilly both times we took the pictures. It's been otherwise nice and warm!

The picture on the left is at 26 weeks and the one on the right is 28 weeks. I really can't believe she grew that much in two weeks. Actually I guess I shouldn't be too surprised considering the amount of round ligament pain I've had.

We had an appointment last week and the midwife said that she was head down (pray that she stays that way!!) and a "good size" baby. She then asked if either of us were big babies, so that kinda scared me...haha. We heard her heartbeat and it was 145. Our practice does only 2 ultrasounds (8 weeks and 20 weeks), so we won't see her until she's on the outside. Anyway, I was also tested for diabetes and anemia, neither of which I have, woo hoo! Our next appointment is in two weeks, I have no idea what takes place at this appointment.

We're going to start painting the nursery *hopefully* tomorrow. I'm so excited! We're doing grey walls with one being a grey and white chevron wall and then I'll have pink accents in there. I haven't decided how that will work out, but I'll eventually get there (I hope). I've been asked by a couple of people where we are registered: Babies R' Us, Target and Amazon. You'll find your standard baby stuff on the BRU and Target registries and more of the cloth diapering related stuff on Amazon. That's all I'll say about registries, I feel weird enough putting it here :)

Lastly the Wingo's have been blessed twice this week. First Bo won a raffle at work for two SXSW music badges for us. We always go the free concerts, but never to the paid stuff because two badges would cost over $1000 if we bought them and this close to the conference they would cost $750 each! Our good friends were also winners of the raffle (for the 3rd year in a row!), so I think we'll get to hang out with them and have an idea of the best places to go. It seems like a million people come in for this conference so there can be some really long lines to see certain bands. It would be nice to see a "big act" but I'm not sure I want to wait in line for two hours. It might be nicer just to see some smaller, upcoming acts and not have all of the fuss. Secondly, Bo has been wanting some lighting for the garage. When he did the math, I wasn't comfortable with us spending that much all at one time. Well between selling stuff we didn't want/need on Craigslist and Bo getting birthday money, we'll be able to pay for the lights! Poor guy has been dealing with a single bulb for the entire garage lighting!!! I know those aren't huge blessings (and possibly trivial), but it will be nice to have one last hoorah before our little girl arrives.

That's all I have for now. Hopefully we'll be headed back to East Texas sometime in April!


Lynette 12:32 PM  

Taylor & Bo: I'm so happy to hear everyone is doing great!! You and the "Baby Girl" looks great!! Keep up the good work & glad to hear Bo will have some light to shine on him.

Love you all, Lynette Shelton

W 11:04 AM  

Thanks Lynette! It's always great hearing from you. Maybe one of these days our paths will cross!

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