Google owns Blogger and has been making everyone switch over to their new system. I think that's what I did, but I'm not quite sure. If by the end of May the blog doesn't work (that's the deadline to switch it over I think), I guess I'll be starting a new one! I've been meaning to update all week, but my energy level just hasn't been there. The mold has been medium-high and I've pretty much been a zombie all week. Both of us have been stuffed up - not fun! At least we don't get sick very often *knocks on wood*.
The past two weeks have been really busy. Two weeks ago, some ladies from our church had a shower for us. I had such a great time! They really are an incredibly encouraging group of women, I could go on and on really. The next Monday we had Maternity Pictures done...they turned out great! I was so nervous - it's shocking to see how big my belly has gotten! Then last Saturday our small group had a baby blessing for our small group leaders second baby. I couldn't really tell you what this week entailed...I've been so tired - I just don't remember what we did! Bo did finish the painting in the nursery, well we have the door left, but that's no biggie!
Here's Bo finishing the last chevron stripe! He has done such an awesome job, I love it! Thank you Pinterest for the idea!
This is me at 34-weeks right after my shower. I had no idea my belly was that big! I wonder what it looks like now. I'm sure I'll have pictures of it tomorrow! Speaking of tomorrow, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone before our little girl is here. I feel honored and blessed that people want to celebrate our little one with us!
I can't believe we only have 4 weeks until our due date - it's gone by SO fast! Of course, we could go as long as 6 more weeks. Oh, I just remembered one of the things I did this week. I started packing our hospital bag! It's almost done, basically I just need to add in our extra clothing and I think we'll be good. I originally thought we'd need two bags (one L&D and one for post-partum), but I think it'll all fit in one suitcase. The food and snacks will go in a separate bag, so only having two bags to carry in will be nice for Bo. We had an appointment yesterday, it went well. I was tested for Group-B Strep - I really hope that comes back negative. Otherwise, I'll have to have an antibiotic IV during labor and birth. We're prepared to deal with it, but it would be nice not to be hooked up to an IV the whole time. Her heartbeat is strong, she's still head down and she's on her side - which according to the doctor that saw us is a good thing (I think it's neat that they can determine position by feeling around. We haven't had an ultrasound since the 20-week appointment, so I'm glad they know how to tell where she is by feeling around). She moves so much and so often that I'm always worried she'll flip head up. The chances of that happening at this point are very slim, so I'm not worried too much anymore. She does love my ribs...they were numb last night. Every time I get in the car she backs up into my ribs...it's torture, haha. I read that putting something cold up top helps, so I'll probably try that on the trip.
Alright, I need to get up and get moving around...my feel are going to swell up! I apologize for any typos, like I said, my brain just isn't functioning too well these days!
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